# A tibble: 122 × 4
last_name party num_votes agree
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alexander R 118 0.890
2 Blunt R 128 0.906
3 Brown D 128 0.258
4 Burr R 121 0.893
5 Baldwin D 128 0.227
6 Boozman R 129 0.915
7 Blackburn R 131 0.885
8 Barrasso R 129 0.891
9 Bennet D 121 0.273
10 Blumenthal D 128 0.203
# ℹ 112 more rows
# A tibble: 122 × 4
last_name party num_votes agree
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alexander R 118 0.890
2 Blunt R 128 0.906
3 Brown D 128 0.258
4 Burr R 121 0.893
5 Baldwin D 128 0.227
6 Boozman R 129 0.915
7 Blackburn R 131 0.885
8 Barrasso R 129 0.891
9 Bennet D 121 0.273
10 Blumenthal D 128 0.203
# ℹ 112 more rows
Add a new column to the data frame, called diff_agree, which subtracts agree and agree_pred. How would you create abs_diff_agree, defined as the absolute value of diff_agree? Your code:
Filter the data frame to only get senators for which we have information on fewer than (or equal to) five votes. Your code:
Filter the data frame to only get Democrats who agreed with Trump in at least 30% of votes. Your code:
Add a new column to the data frame, called diff_agree, which subtracts agree and agree_pred. How would you create abs_diff_agree, defined as the absolute value of diff_agree? Your code:
trump_scores |>mutate(diff_agree = agree - agree_pred) |>select(last_name, matches("agree")) # just for clarity
Filter the data frame to only get senators for which we have information on fewer than (or equal to) five votes. Your code:
trump_scores |>filter(num_votes <=5)
# A tibble: 5 × 8
bioguide last_name state party num_votes agree agree_pred margin_trump
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 H000273 Hickenlooper CO D 2 0 0.0302 -4.91
2 H000601 Hagerty TN R 2 0 0.115 26.0
3 K000377 Kelly AZ D 5 0.2 0.262 3.55
4 L000571 Lummis WY R 2 0.5 0.225 46.3
5 T000278 Tuberville AL R 2 1 0.123 27.7
Filter the data frame to only get Democrats who agreed with Trump in at least 30% of votes. Your code:
trump_scores |>filter(party =="D"& agree >=0.3)
# A tibble: 11 × 8
bioguide last_name state party num_votes agree agree_pred margin_trump
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 D000607 Donnelly IN D 83 0.542 0.833 19.2
2 H001069 Heitkamp ND D 84 0.548 0.915 35.7
3 J000300 Jones AL D 68 0.353 0.845 27.7
4 K000383 King ME D 129 0.372 0.441 -2.96
5 M001170 McCaskill MO D 83 0.458 0.830 18.6
6 M001183 Manchin WV D 129 0.504 0.893 42.2
7 N000032 Nelson FL D 83 0.434 0.568 1.20
8 R000608 Rosen NV D 136 0.346 0.604 -2.42
9 S001191 Sinema AZ D 135 0.504 0.398 3.55
10 T000464 Tester MT D 129 0.302 0.805 20.4
11 W000805 Warner VA D 129 0.349 0.401 -5.32
Arrange the data by diff_pred, the difference between agreement and predicted agreement with Trump. (You should have code on how to create this variable from the last exercise). Your code:
# A tibble: 2 × 2
party max_abs_diff
<chr> <dbl>
1 R 0.877
2 D 0.503
Draw a column plot with the agreement with Trump of Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz. What happens if you use last_name as the y aesthetic mapping and agree in the x aesthetic mapping? Your code:
# setup: this step was executed before the exercisetrump_scores_ss <- trump_scores |>filter(num_votes >=10)
ggplot(trump_scores_ss |>filter(last_name %in%c("Cruz", "Sanders")),aes(y = last_name, x = agree)) +geom_col()
Calculate \(2\times A\) and \(-3 \times B\). Again, do one by hand and the other one using R. \[A= \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 4 & 8 \\
0 & -1 & 3
\end{bmatrix}\]\[ B = \begin{bmatrix}
-15 & 1 & 5 \\
2 & -42 & 0 \\
7 & 1 & 6
# A tibble: 4 × 2
region med_corr
<chr> <dbl>
1 Caribbean 0.301
2 South America 0.531
3 Central America 0.734
4 Northern America 0.0505
Convert back gdp_long to a wide format using pivot_wider(). Check out the help file using ?pivot_wider. Your code:
# setup: these steps were executed before the exerciselibrary(readxl)gdp <-read_excel("data/wdi_gdp_ppp.xlsx")gdp_long <- gdp |>pivot_longer(cols =-c(country_name, country_code), names_to ="year", values_to ="wdi_gdp_ppp", names_transform = as.integer)
gdp_long |>pivot_wider(id_cols =c(country_name, country_code), # can omit in this case toovalues_from = wdi_gdp_ppp, names_from = year)
# A tibble: 266 × 35
country_name country_code `1990` `1991` `1992` `1993` `1994`
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Aruba ABW 2.03e 9 2.19e 9 2.32e 9 2.48e 9 2.69e 9
2 Africa Eastern and… AFE 9.41e11 9.42e11 9.23e11 9.19e11 9.35e11
3 Afghanistan AFG NA NA NA NA NA
4 Africa Western and… AFW 5.76e11 5.84e11 5.98e11 5.92e11 5.91e11
5 Angola AGO 6.85e10 6.92e10 6.52e10 4.95e10 5.02e10
6 Albania ALB 1.59e10 1.14e10 1.06e10 1.16e10 1.26e10
7 Andorra AND NA NA NA NA NA
8 Arab World ARB 2.19e12 2.25e12 2.35e12 2.41e12 2.48e12
9 United Arab Emirat… ARE 2.01e11 2.03e11 2.10e11 2.12e11 2.27e11
10 Argentina ARG 4.61e11 5.04e11 5.43e11 5.88e11 6.22e11
# ℹ 256 more rows
# ℹ 28 more variables: `1995` <dbl>, `1996` <dbl>, `1997` <dbl>, `1998` <dbl>,
# `1999` <dbl>, `2000` <dbl>, `2001` <dbl>, `2002` <dbl>, `2003` <dbl>,
# `2004` <dbl>, `2005` <dbl>, `2006` <dbl>, `2007` <dbl>, `2008` <dbl>,
# `2009` <dbl>, `2010` <dbl>, `2011` <dbl>, `2012` <dbl>, `2013` <dbl>,
# `2014` <dbl>, `2015` <dbl>, `2016` <dbl>, `2017` <dbl>, `2018` <dbl>,
# `2019` <dbl>, `2020` <dbl>, `2021` <dbl>, `2022` <dbl>
There is a dataset on country’s CO2 emissions, again from the World Bank (2023), in “data/wdi_co2.csv”. Load the dataset into R and add a new variable with its information, wdi_co2, to our qog_plus data frame. Finally, compute the average values of CO2 emissions per capita, by country. Tip: this exercise requires you to do many steps—plan ahead before you start coding! Your code:
# setup: these steps were executed before the exerciselibrary(tidyverse)qog <-read_csv("data/sample_qog_bas_ts_jan23.csv")gdp <- readxl::read_excel("data/wdi_gdp_ppp.xlsx")gdp_long <- gdp |>pivot_longer(cols =-c(country_name, country_code),names_to ="year",values_to ="wdi_gdp_ppp", names_transform = as.integer)qog_plus <-left_join(qog, gdp_long,by =c("ccodealp"="country_code","year"))
Load data (notice the .csv format):
emissions <-read_csv("data/wdi_co2.csv")
Rows: 266 Columns: 35
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (2): country_name, country_code
dbl (31): 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, ...
lgl (2): 2021, 2022
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Pivot data to long, creating the “wdi_co2” variable:
Warning: Removed 248 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
Using your merged dataset from the previous section, plot the trajectories of C02 per capita emissions for the US and Haiti. Use adequate scales.
ggplot(qog_plus2 |>filter(cname %in%c("Haiti", "United States")), aes(x = year, y =1000* wdi_co2 / wdi_pop)) +geom_line() +facet_wrap(~cname, scales ="free_y") +labs(x ="Year", y ="CO2 Emissions Per Capita",title ="CO2 Emissions Per Capita in Haiti and the United States",caption ="Source: World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2023) in QOG dataset.")
5. Functions
Exercise When graphed, vertical lines cannot touch functions at more than one point. Why? Which of the following represent functions?
Figure 1: Vertical line test: examples.
Function ✅
Function ✅
NOT a function 🚫
Function ✅
Function ✅
NOT a function 🚫
Function ✅
NOT a function 🚫
Create a function that calculates the area of a circle from its diameter. So your_function(d = 6) should yield the same result as the example above. Your code:
# setup: these steps were executed before the exercisecirc_area_r <-function(r){ pi * r ^2}circ_area_r(r =3)
[1] 28.27433
circ_area_d <-function(d){ pi * (d/2) ^2}circ_area_d(d =6)
[1] 28.27433
Graph the function \(y = x^2 + 2x - 10\), i.e., a quadratic function with \(a=1\), \(b=2\), and \(c=-10\). Next, try switching up these values and the xlim = argument. How do they each alter the function (and plot)?
# setup: these steps were executed before the exerciselibrary(ggplot2)
We’ll briefly introduce Desmos, an online graphing calculator. Use Desmos to graph the following function \(y = 1x^3 + 1x^2 + 1x + 1\). What happens when you change the \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\) parameters?
(we’ll show how to do this in R here, but you could use Desmos)
Graph \(y = 1x^3 + 1x^2 + 1x + 1\).
ggplot() +stat_function(fun =function(x){x^3+ x^2+ x +1},xlim =c(-10, 10))
Solve the problems below, simplifying as much as you can. \[log_{10}(1000)\]\[log_2(\dfrac{8}{32})\]\[10^{log_{10}(300)}\]\[ln(1)\]\[ln(e^2)\]\[ln(5e)\]
[1] 3
[1] -2
[1] 300
[1] 0
[1] 2
[1] 2.609438
Compute g(f(5)) using the definitions above. First do it manually, and then check your answer with R.
# setup: these steps were executed before the exercisef <-function(x){x ^2}g <-function(x){x -3}
\[f(5) = 5^2 = 25\]\[g(25) = 25 - 3 = 22\]
g(f(5)) # no pipeline approach
[1] 22
f(5) |>g() # pipeline approach
[1] 22
6. Calculus
Use the slope formula to calculate the rate of change between 5 and 6.
Use the slope formula to calculate the rate of change between 5 and 5.5.
Use the slope formula to calculate the rate of change between 5 and 5.1.
(6^2-5^2) / (6-5)
[1] 11
(5.5^2-5^2) / (5.5-5)
[1] 10.5
(5.1^2-5^2) / (5.1-5)
[1] 10.1
Use the differentiation rules we have covered so far to calculate the derivatives of \(y\) with respect to \(x\) of the following functions:
\(y = 2x^2 + 10\)
\(y = 5x^4 - \frac{2}{3}x^3\)
\(y = 9 \sqrt x\)
\(y = \frac{4}{x^2}\)
\(y = ax^3 + b\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are constants.
\(y = \frac{2w}{5}\)
\(4x\) (sum rule, constant rule, coefficient rule, power rule)
\(20x^3-2x^2\) (sum rule, coefficient rule, power rule)
\(\frac{-9}{2\sqrt x}\) (power rule)
\(-\frac{8}{x^3}\) (coefficient rule, power rule)
\(3ax^2\) (sum rule, constant rule, coefficient rule, power rule)
So we conclude that, for the \([-6, 6]\) interval, the global minimum is at the lower bound (\(x=-6\)) and the global maximum is at the critical point at \(x=-2\).
Evaluate the CDF of \(Y \sim U(-2, 2)\) at point \(y = 1\). Use the formula and punif().
\[A = F(1) = P(Y\leq 1) = 3 \cdot(1/4) = 0.75\]
punif(q =1, min =-2, max =2)
[1] 0.75
What is the probability of obtaining a value above 1.96 or below -1.96 in a standard normal probability distribution? Hint: use the pnorm() function.
pnorm(-1.96) + (1-pnorm(1.96))
[1] 0.04999579
Compute and plot my_rnorm, a vector with one million draws from a Normal distribution \(Z\) with mean equal to zero and standard deviation equal to one (\(Z\sim N(0,1)\)). You can recycle code from what we did for the uniform distribution!
What score (out of 10) would you give Barbie or Oppenheimer? Write your score in one sentence (e.g., I would give Barbie seven of ten stars.) If you have not seen either, write a sentence about which you would like to see more.
Store that text as a string (string3) and combine it with our existing cat_string to produce a new concatenated string called cat_string2. Finally, count the total number of characters within cat_string2. Your code:
# setup: these steps were executed before the exerciselibrary(stringr)my_string <-"I know people who have seen the Barbie movie 2, 3, even 4 times!"my_string2 <-"I wonder if they have seen Oppenheimer, too."cat_string <-str_c(my_string, my_string2, sep =" ")
string3 <-"I would give Barbie 7 out of 10 stars."string3
[1] "I know people who have seen the Barbie movie 2, 3, even 4 times! I wonder if they have seen Oppenheimer, too. I would give Barbie 7 out of 10 stars."
[1] 148
Look up the lyrics to your favorite song at the moment (no guilty pleasures here!). Then, follow the process described above to count the words: store the text as a string, convert to a tibble, tokenize, and count.
When you are done counting, create a visualization for the chorus using the ggplot code above. Your code:
Store the text as a string.
library(tidytext)dummy <-c("I been goin' dummy (Huh)","I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)","I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)","I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)","I been goin' dummy (Yeah)","I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)","I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)","I been goin' dummy","Dumbass, I been goin' dummy")
Convert to a tibble.
dummy_df <-tibble(line =1:9, text = dummy)dummy_df
# A tibble: 9 × 2
line text
<int> <chr>
1 1 I been goin' dummy (Huh)
2 2 I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)
3 3 I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)
4 4 I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)
5 5 I been goin' dummy (Yeah)
6 6 I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)
7 7 I been goin' dummy (Goin' dummy)
8 8 I been goin' dummy
9 9 Dumbass, I been goin' dummy
dummy_tok <-unnest_tokens(dummy_df, word, text)
dummy_tok |>count(word, sort =TRUE)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
word n
<chr> <int>
1 dummy 14
2 goin 14
3 been 9
4 i 9
5 dumbass 1
6 huh 1
7 yeah 1
Arel-Bundock, Vincent, Nils Enevoldsen, and CJ Yetman. 2018. “Countrycode: An r Package to Convert Country Names and Country Codes.”Journal of Open Source Software 3 (28): 848. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.00848.
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Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Jan Teorell, David Altman, Michael Bernhard, et al. 2022. “V-Dem Codebook V12.”Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project. https://www.v-dem.net/dsarchive.html.
Dahlberg, Stefan, Aksen Sundström, Sören Holmberg, Bo Rothstein, Natalia Alvarado Pachon, Cem Mert Dalli, and Yente Meijers. 2023. “The Quality of Government Basic Dataset, Version Jan23.” University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. https://www.gu.se/en/quality-government doi:10.18157/qogbasjan23.
U. S. Department of Agriculture [USDA], Agricultural Research Service. 2019. “Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service.”https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/.